I’ve lost my Blogging Mojo – again!

I’m not looking for sympathy. I’m just saying.

I feel I should apologise though because not only have I lost the ability to focus on writing anything interesting and entertaining, I have lost the inclination to connect with the blogging world. For the last few months, I have offered little or nothing to the Blogosphere. I have become disinterested, discombobulated or perhaps just plain lazy. I should also apologise for not getting round to commenting on your Blog posts. I still read some (probably not on the day you posted them) and I do appreciate them. However, I am finding it hard to think of anything witty or engaging to say in response.

By way of some explanation, I have been busy with family life and other things. Part of my malaise is probably down to some health issues of those round me. Also, my general state of mind is telling me I should be doing things that are useful or practical rather than indulging in what I have been thinking might be a frivolous and perhaps slightly narcissistic, self promoting hobby.

I am becoming an unsociable blogger. It is a long time since I had a new follower and I have stopped caring if people unfollow me. I never felt the need to have a large following. I’m a fairly shy person and promoting my blog is just not my style. You wont be surprised that I am not really on social media. I communicate with friends in person, on the telephone or by text or whatsapp. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are the devil’s work as far as I am concerned and if I used those platforms, I wouldn’t know what to post.

Also, I find blogging increasingly intimidating. Without blogging regularly, promoting my blog on social media, scheduling posts properly, optimising posts for SEO, I will not get enough traffic and followers to get traction. If I cant be bothered to do it properly then why do it at all? Is it worth blogging to just a handful of people?

I am aware that whilst I can think of many topics that interest me and would form the basis of a blog, I struggle to convince myself that I have an interesting angle and that could put together an entertaining post.

So what now? Should I call it a day or should I persevere?

That’s a rhetorical question really. It’s up to me to decide.

I have read the many tips for overcoming bloggers’ block and I have revisited the reasons I stated blogging in the first place. That is to ……

  • Document my life, my experiences and my thoughts
  • Learn new skills (writing and IT Skills)
  • Exercise my brain
  • Meet interesting people and to learn
  • Share my love of photography and music
  • Contribute and support other bloggers and their interests and causes.

I might take some time to consider these and hopefully pull my blogging self together. Hopefully I will find some inspiration from somewhere. If I stop blogging altogether, I think I will miss it.

Maybe I will return with something involving photo or writing challenges if my brain and imagination decide to kick in.

Watch this space.

P.S. There is no image to accompany this post. I couldn’t find any suitable memes or images and I don’t understand the copyright rules. (Another fail!)

Author: Paul

I am a retired, married bloke, dad and grandad - growing old with attitude.

8 thoughts on “I’ve lost my Blogging Mojo – again!”

  1. I think every blogger knows that feeling. My answer is to write something you will want to read again later, perhaps in a year’s time or 5 years’ time. Looking back over my old writings works for me.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Don’t think you’re finishing, just write what you like when you feel like it. Not being very active doesn’t make you a bad blogger and those – like me – who enjoy your writing will be here whoever you post something. Take care, and I hope the real life stuff is ok.

    Liked by 2 people

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